Face Mask Necklaces

Face Masks, have become a part of our daily lives outside outside or indside. And now that kids and teachers are preparing to head back to school, adults and kids will be wearing masks even more regularly.

It’s true that wearing a mask all day can be very unpleasant, and the thought of getting your elementary-aged kid to wear one at school makes you want to self-isolate. They can irritate your ears, cause your skin to break out, and don’t even get us started on the fogged-up glasses. And you already know your kids are going to lose them. Our Face Mask Necklaces are designed to make mask-wearing a little more comfortable and, dare we say, even cute. Adding a little fashion flair to a mask might help your kid feel better about it, and we might complain a little less too!
Our masks are hand crafted here in the US and the metal we use is Hypoallergenic Stainless Steel, and other materials such as: Leather, , Semi Precious Stones, Paracord and Plastic. They are super durable and strong.
Order yours now!